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Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Dating in college

Ah yes, the all dreaded dating. When you’re dating around it always seems so hard, and looks like it is so easy for your peers. When you are in a relationship it seems like the rest of the world is having so much fun being single, and when you are single you feel lonely as a son of a bitch! Confusing, right? Throughout life this frustrating pattern will keep up for the most part, the only thing that really changes is the environment you are immersed in. So what about dating in one of the most diverse environments of all time: college. Aside from all of that learning and personal growth stuff you ultimately signed up for, having a good time has to get thrown in the mix somewhere. Here are some “truths” about dating in college


Dormcest: For those of you who can’t put these two concepts together “dormcest” refers to two students hooking up that reside in the same dormitory. Initially the idea might seem really tempting: you’re finally done with an all weekend bender and you can flop into bed just a few steps away from your comfort zone with a cutie. Don’t get it twisted though, this situation can turn sour fast. If you don’t want to commit to this person and they start to get attached this could be absolute sabotage for future hook ups you bring around. Or potentially worse, you run into one of their new hook ups once you start to catch feelings. Ouch.


Dating apps: It’s 2016 and technology is everywhere. Most of us have made the leap to online dating. Some of us at least have the apps even if we just screw around with them. Well, just like “real-life-dating” or RLD it’s vital to be first and foremost safe. It’s easy to find a cutie that you want to link up with, but just because Tinder says he goes to your school and has a killer body doesn’t mean that you can meet up at the end of a party street at 3:30 in the morning. Wait, what? Yeah, people do this and it can put you in a sticky situation. JUST BE SMART! Meet up in groups, or somewhere like a dining hall. Do I sound dull? Probably… but get over it.


Don’t judge a book by its cover: College is certainly the time I realized you shouldn’t judge someone based on looks alone, because looks aren’t going to make you laugh or grow or buy you a Mcdouble after you drink your face off. The guy eating his taco Tuesday meal by himself could be a winner, and winners don’t always need to surround themselves with flocks of people (or hot girls?). Smart is the new sexy and active mates are something you should hold onto because people tend to get super lazy after high school. This doesn’t necessarily mean you have to ignore the hunk in your marketing class just because of some new found sense of virtue, but keep an open mind!


Don’t kiss and tell: Once you get to college you are able to start a clean slate and leave all of the high school drama behind. However, this new clean slate will get dirty eventually. Just like high school, your fresh drama will surely follow you the next four years in university. If you’re actively dating you should keep some information to yourself because no matter how old you are you will continue to be judged. It’s okay to not care to a certain point but don’t make the same mistakes twice.