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Saturday, August 9, 2014

Insecurities and absurdities: The female mind

This day and age the concept of a beautiful woman is kind of all over the place. There is the Bohemian Bombshell, Blonde Beauty, Fashion Guru’s, Yoga Chicks and so many more. Every girl has something sexy about her. And no, this is not a sappy article about how all girls should love themselves, girl power or whatever. Quite honestly, if you don’t already know this ladies, I can’t help you, and you have a long road ahead of yourself. This is more of a reality check, or to put it more lightly a “helping hand”.

I remember when I was in a relationship in high school with a guy who always said he liked blondes. Me on the other hand being brunette with brown eyes and tanned skin never felt like I was what he wanted. Suddenly everywhere I looked, there were gorgeous blonde women. 

It’s sort of like when you get a new car, and you see the exact model everywhere. And you are thinking in your head, “That’s my car, that’s my car”.  That was me: Look at that girl, look at that girl. It was suddenly a Blondes World now that I was insecure.

Anyways I dropped the loser, started feeling better about myself and it wasn’t long before I realized Blondie’s weren’t the direct problem. You see, just because some guys like blondes, some like brunettes, some like the dark skin some like the pale chicks. Beauty is different in everyone’s eyes. Women are extremely aesthetically pleasing. There are ravishing girls here in America, as well as half way around the world, rich/poor…it doesn’t matter. Females are actually one of the only species where the female is more attractive than the males.

So put something in your head: You will never be the most attractive girl in the room. And it isn’t because you necessarily aren’t a knock out, but different people are into different things. Just because that guy in your math class likes your best friend and not you doesn’t mean she is better, just what that one person is looking for. Then all of a sudden a different guy prefers you and its just weird and fast how life works out like that.

Listen, even if you are a Victoria Secret Angel, there will still be that guy who wants the Playboy Bunny. Even if you are freaking Kim Kardashian there will always be the guy who wants Jennifer Aniston instead. Just because you have a butt, a guy might like boobs. Just because you have abs, a guy could like curves. You see what I mean? Don’t kill yourself by comparing yourself to other females. There are waaay to many drop-dead gorgeous girls out there to try to be on top. Be happy with yourself, or work on it until you are. Because you will kill yourself trying to be the hottest girl in the room.