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Sunday, May 4, 2014

Cinco de Mayo back and ready for action

Put your sombrero and fake mustache on and get ready to party! Yup, it is finally that time of the year again where we celebrate the Anniversary of the Battle of Puebla (I’m totally screwing with you, in fact I had to Google that.). Anyways here in the US its more of a day where we all pretend to be Hispanic and get sloppy at the local Mexican restaurant…unless of course you have gone above and beyond to be more creative than this and are throwing a festive shindig at your place. Nevertheless, sloppy.

 I didn’t really start “celebrating” [i.e. chugging margaritas until I thought my last name Perry was Pablo] until my freshman year of college where everyone made it clear that in University world this was a real unofficial holiday. People are either dressed quite, eh… well racist, or just being typical white girl wasted.

 Recently I really started thinking to myself, “holy shit, for such an inapplicable holiday to my life I sure do spend a whole lotta money on it.” I mean for all I, the typical white girl, knows this could be some kind of Mexican conspiracy- make all of us clueless idiots buy a bunch of expensive margaritas, shitty Coronas and killer tequila shots. Ok, not much of a conspiracy, but say hello to being hungover and broke on May 6th.
I personally plan on going to this little hidden gem called “Fiesta” where they have cheap ass margaritas, they BLAST Spanish music throughout the entire bar and everyone is there to much like the name, FIESTA. Seriously, for 20 dollars you can get like 4 huge ass margaritas like its nothing, which sure beats out the Chili’s I went to last year. The game plan: invite as many people over my apartment from the hours of 3-5 pm, chug tequila, then call a cab to this godforsaken bar which is conveniently 4 minutes down the road (better safe than sorry). Upon arrival I will chug more tequila from 530-10pm. Then back to the cab.

 Seriously guys, chugging tequila and calling for a ride home go taco and taco, I mean hand and hand. So be safe, have fun and try to not make too much of a jackass out of yourselves this year! EY EY EY!